
AfterashortreviewoftheRISTSpecificationandoftheIBC2018demonstration,thispaperpresentsasetofperformancemeasurementsfortheprotocol,using ...,11*ThisfileispartofNFD(NamedDataNetworkingForwardingDaemon).12*SeeAUTHORS.mdforcompletelistofNFDauthorsandcontributors.,ImplementsTransportforstream-basedprotocols.Definition:stream-transport.hpp:43·nfd::face::StreamTransport::handleReceive.voidhandleReceiv...

A Performance Measurement Study of the Reliable Internet Stream ...

After a short review of the RIST Specification and of the IBC 2018 demonstration, this paper presents a set of performance measurements for the protocol, using ...

ndnSIM: ndnSIMNFDdaemonfacestream

11 * This file is part of NFD (Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon). 12 * See for complete list of NFD authors and contributors.

NFD: Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon

Implements Transport for stream-based protocols. Definition: stream-transport.hpp:43 · nfd::face::StreamTransport::handleReceive. void handleReceive(const boost ...

Reliable Internet Stream Transport

Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) is an open-source, open-specification transport protocol designed for reliable transmission of video over lossy ...

Selective tidal stream transport in silver European eel (Anguilla ...

Different fish species use selective tidal stream transport (STST) to efficiently migrate through strong tidal systems to complete their ...

Stream Transport

評分 4.0 (4) Stream Transport, Prior Lake, Minnesota. 66 likes · 18 were here. Stream Transport.

Tidal stream transport as an efficient method for migration

A mathematical analysis of the energetics of migration by means of tidal stream transport is presented. Tidal stream transport, in which fish are in midwater ...

Transport: 2018–19 results of financial audits (Report 5: 2019

Stream Transport: 2018–19 results of financial audits (Report 5: 2019–20) by Queensland Audit Office on desktop and mobile.

[PDF] VSF to demonstrate “RIST” Reliable Internet Stream Transport at IBC ...

Members of the RIST AG will be showing a live, multivendor demonstration of products that have successfully completed compatibility testing ...

[PDF] WASP8 Stream Transport

The standard WASP8 stream transport model calculates water flow through a branching stream network that may include both free-flowing and ponded ...